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Georgia Race for the Cure 2014

Категория: Анонсы 

On behalf of the planning committee, it is my pleasure to invite you to the 2014 Georgia Race for the Cure® on Sunday, June 29nd, at Turtle Lake in Tbilisi to raise awareness of the fight against breast cancer.

The Georgia Race for the Cure is one of the largest and most influential awareness raising events in the country. And it’s fun! Hundreds of local and expatriate participants gather on this day to run, walk, and cheer others on in support of the cause. Participants also enjoy sponsor tents, children’s activities, and live music. There are many reasons to come – but we are asking you to join us for one reason: we need your help to save lives.

Our goal is simple: eliminate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease. Due to cultural stigmatization, Georgia has a high rate of breast cancer mortality. Women are not educated on what to look for in the early stages of the disease, and as a result, many women remain uninformed and discover the disease during a late stage when options for treatment are fewer and the risk of mortality higher. Help us save lives by raising awareness that early detection really matters, showing your support for those who are fighting breast cancer, honoring those who have lost their fight, and raising funds for breast cancer early detection and breast health education programs. With your help, we know the Georgia Race for the Cure will be a success.

Please invite your colleagues, friends and family members to join you!

5K Race registration begins at 11:00 a.m. and racing begins at 12:00 p.m.

2K Walk registration begins at 12:00 p.m. and racing begins at 1:00 p.m.


For more information, visit our Race for the Cure Facebook page at


We hope to see you on June 29nd at Turtle Lake in Tbilisi!


Тэги: Georgia Race

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