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The Canada Fund priority themes for the 2014-2015 fiscal year

Категория: Анонсы 

The Canada Fund priority themes for the 2014-2015 fiscal year are:


Ø Protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, including religious freedom and LGBTI rights
Ø Preventing sexual violence and early forced marriage
Ø Supporting democratic transition and expanded democratic participation
Ø Entrenching the rule of law and combatting the destabilizing impact of crime and corruption
Ø Strengthening economic governance


Projects should afford opportunities to advance Canada’s values and interests and/or strengthen Canada’s bilateral relations with Turkey, Azerbaijan or Georgia or civil society in those countries. The CFLI provides funding assistance to local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community groups and other organizations for small-scale, community-based initiatives.

CFLI Priorities for Turkey

1. Protect human rights and promote fundamental freedoms including freedom of expression and religious freedom;
2. Prevent sexual violence and child marriages;
3. Support gender equity and LGBTI rights;
4. Enhance democratic participation by women and minority groups; and
5. Support Turkish organizations helping refugees and asylum seekers living in urban areas and facilitating relations between host communities and refugees.

Projects’ activities could include: conducting advocacy, providing training, providing technical expertise, conducting research, providing/repairing infrastructure, providing equipment or supplies, and providing support for humanitarian assistance efforts.

CFLI Priorities for Azerbaijan

1. Promote freedom of expression;
2. Raise awareness of sexual violence and early forced marriage; and
3. Encourage people-to-people contacts, tolerance, and peace in the region, particularly among youth and children.
Projects’ activities could include: conducting advocacy, providing training, providing technical expertise, conducting research, providing/repairing infrastructure, and providing equipment or supplies.

CFLI Priorities for Georgia

1. Foster the integration of vulnerable groups, such as internally displaced persons (IDPs), minority groups, women, or LGBTI individuals; and
2. Increase the democratic participation of vulnerable groups in society;

Activities including participants from Abkhazia and South Ossetia are encouraged.
Projects’ activities could include: conducting advocacy, providing training, providing technical expertise, conducting research, providing/repairing infrastructure, and providing equipment or supplies.

Gender Equality and Environmental Sustainability

All proposals must clearly explain the project’s impact on gender equality and environmental sustainability. Equal participation and integration of both genders in all aspects of the project is encouraged. Recipients must identify key environmental implications and/or risks for all projects and must demonstrate the organization’s capacity to address any environmental issues associated with the initiative in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA).


The Embassy of Canada will accept project proposals from:
• local non-governmental, community and non-for-profit organizations;
• local academic institutions working on local projects;
• international, intergovernmental, multilateral and regional institutions, agencies and organizations working on local development activities in Turkey, Azerbaijan or Georgia;
• municipal, regional or national government institutions or agencies of the recipient country working on local projects;
• Canadian non-governmental and not-for-profit organizations that are working on local development activities.
Project proposals that match one or more of the priority themes of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, are technically and financially feasible, provide clear objectives, have a direct impact on local communities, have sustained benefits and meet all other requirements included in the proposal application, are considered for funding.

Project contributions must be used for the stated objectives of the project and must be spent in-country. Projects should not be used to fund core operational activities of the recipient organization.

Some types of projects are specifically excluded from being financed by this fund. These include:
Loans in cash; Food donations; Basic scientific research; Nuclear technologies; Military assistance; Industrial cooperation; Direct support to governments.

Among the budget items which the Canada Fund does not finance are: Salary of permanent staff of implementing organization; Recurrent costs of the organization such as: rent, electricity, water, phone, internet, etc; Administrative costs not directly related to project implementation; Purchase or rental of property or land; Purchase of vehicles; Private expenditure on food and personal items; Scholarships.

Funding Guidelines for Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia

Each project can range between $5,000 CDN and $50,000 CDN (the majority of projects will range around $20,000 CDN). Proposals must include a detailed budget listing all expenses, and accounting of all funds spent must be included in a final report to be submitted once the project is completed. The Government of Canada reserves the right to conduct an audit at any time to ensure compliance with internationally acceptable accounting principles.


Project proposals must follow the template attached to this message and must be complete and comprehensive to be considered for funding. Only proposals in English or French will be considered. Project activities for the 2014-2015 funding year must be completed by February 2015.


Please send proposals by 3 October 2014 to:




Тэги: Canada Fund Gender Equality

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