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STOP violence against women

Категория: Анонсы 

On Tuesday, November 25th protests will be held in several Georgian cities aimed to stop violence against women.


Violence against women is a crime and a huge societal problem. Physical, psychological, economic violence against women persists on a daily basis all around us: among our friends, in our neighborhoods, in our cities. No one is sheltered from violence, since it can happen in all social circles without exemptions.


25 women were killed in a 10-month period in 2014. The exact number of cases of violence, that did not result in death is much higher but hard to estimate. Officially, police hotline “112” received 5,447 calls in 2013, which does not fully reflect the exact number, since most cases of domestic violence are not reported. Moreover, the reaction from the state authorities is unsatisfactory, for example, despite the high number of police notifications, only 212 restraining orders were issued in 2013.


We are particularly concerned that part of the Georgian society considers domestic violence to be “internal business of the family” and/or justifies violence against women basing arguments in patriarchal norms and traditions. In these circumstances, role and responsibility of the government and civil society becomes crucial.
 The protest will be held on November 25th to mark the international day for eradicating violence against women and to express solidarity towards women:

You are not alone!
We are not alone!
We are many!

Let’s not turn a blind eye to violence against women! Together we can make a change!

Our message to the government and the parliament of Georgia: eradicating violence against women is societal demand and it should be a priority.

The protests will be held:

Tbilisi: (Former) Parliament Building
Zugdidi: Cinema “Atrium”
Kutaisi: Meskhishvili Theatre
Ozurgeti: Ozurgeti Theatre
Batumi: Era Square
Telavi: Telavi Theatre
Akhaltsikhe: Central Park
Ninotsminda: Culture Center
Akhalkalaki: Central Park
Marneuli: Culture House
Gardabani: Central Market Square
Dmanisi: Main Square
Tskhaltubo: Culture House
Gori: Theatre
Dusheti:Culture House
Rustavi:City Hall
Kobuleti: Square next to “Gamgeoba”
Gurjaani:Granpa’s Garden (“Papas Baghi”)
Bolnisi: Culture house
Borjomi: Rustaveli Square
Tsnori: Police Office
Khashuri: Dimitri Kipiani Square

Тэги: violence against women Georgia

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