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Protection of Women`s Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights 2015

Категория: Анонсы 

Women's Fund in Georgia (WFG) is pleased to announce the grants competition “Protection of Women's Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights”, financially supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


The grants competition supports the initiatives which aim to improve women's reproductive health and protect sexual rights, change the existing attitudes, policies and practices in this regards, raise awareness of the public, and protect women human rights defenders working on women's reproductive health and sexual rights.


The Women's Fund in Georgia welcomes initiatives oriented towards social changes, amongst which are:


•         Protection of women's reproductive and sexual rights

·         Legislative initiatives

·         Improving women's and girls' access to reproductive health services (safe abortion, contraception, sexual education, and sexual health care).

·         Revealing and reacting to the discriminatory practices committed against women in regards to reproductive health and sexual rights

·         Monitoring, advocating and lobbying for the protection of women's reproductive health and sexual rights

·         Awareness-raising campaigns

·       Protection of women's groups who face broader and multi-layer violations in regards to the reproductive and sexual rights (minorities, drug users, HIV positive women, sex workers and others)

·         Academic studies on women's reproductive health and sexual rights.


Groups eligible to participate in the competition “Protection of Women's Reproductive Health and Sexual Rights” are:


·         Locally registered women's non-governmental organizations

·         Organizations working on women's issues which are led by women

·         Women's organizations, whose organizational budget is smaller than WFG's

·         Women's organizations both from the regions and the capital (also regional or international, but established and operating in Georgia)


Within this competition, priorities will be given to women's organizations from the regions as well as coalitional initiatives and initiatives led by young women's groups.


The maximum grant amount is 6000 EUR. The maximum length of the project is 10 months.


Women's Fund in Georgia will conduct consultation meetings for grant-seekers at the Fund's office (every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm), from 13 – 26 January.



The deadline for proposal submission (one printed or handwritten copy in Georgian, Russian or English) is January 26, 2015. The final decision regarding the award will be announced before the end of February, 2015.


Proposals can be submitted by e-mail, fax or post or presented by a representative of the organization to the WFG office at the following address:


8, Sergo Zakariadze Str., Entrance 4, Floor I, Apt. #74, 0177 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: +995 322 470702

Fax: +995 322 399998

E-mail: ana@womenfundgeorgia.org



Тэги: Women's Fund in Georgia grants competition Reproductive Health Sexual Rights

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