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President declares 2015 as Women’s Year

Категория: Гендер на Кавказе 

The President of Georgia has declared 2015 as the Women’s Year.

Giorgi Margvelashvili discussed the abovementioned issue at the meeting with famous women at the presidential residence.

The meeting was attended by female military servicemen, politicians, public figures, representatives of the diplomatic corps and women with disabilities.

The President spoke about the facts of violence committed against women last year and called it a shocking reality. According to him, it is now the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration, when all mankind realized the complexity of gender inequality and devised a plan for solving this problem.

He said he considered it necessary to declare 2015 as the Women’s Year given the difficulties facing the Georgian society today.

According to him, the presidential institute will closely cooperate with all for eradication of the existing inequalities in the society.

The President said that the problem of violence must be solved by the executive government, but public activities are also necessary. According to him, in this regard the Parliament’s role should be activated. He said he is ready to cooperate actively with the legislative body.

According to the President, the starting point for the problem solution is women's engagement in politics. "The presidential administration will support women not only to serve our country, families and create a better country, but also to make decisions at the highest level", - he said.



Тэги: violence against women Georgia

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