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International Training Programme UNSCR 1325

Категория: Анонсы 

The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation and the consultancy company Indevelop, is running an Advanced International Training Programmes (ITPs) on UN Resolution 1325: Women, Peace and Security by the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) over a period of three years.


One programme is Global (for the Democratic Republic of Congo, Georgia, Liberia, Colombia and South Sudan) and one targets Myanmar/Burma.


The objectives of the programme are:

•Increasing women’s influence and participation in the political process during conflict and post-conflict reconstruction.
•Increasing the recognition of the special needs of girls and women in conflict and post-conflict contexts.
•Enabling organisational change with  participants being given the opportunity to use the knowledge and tools provided by the programme to contribute to the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325.


The program is primarily designed for mid-level and senior officials in organisations working with human rights and in the security sector. This means that the participants should represent the countries government (relevant ministries, judiciary, military and police authorities etc.), human rights or women’s rights organisations, academic institutions or media and the private sector


To ensure the successful implementation of the programme, the participants have to come from organisations/institutions with a mandate and an interest to work with UNSCR 1325.


The programme is run in English and each round admits 25 participants.


I. Introductory phase, development of a concept note
II. Three weeks training in Sweden
III. Interim period (6 months) to develop the project assignment
IV. Regional follow-up, 2 weeks
V. Continuation of the project assignment

Date and place

Phase II: Stockholm, Sweden, 14 September – 2 October 2015

Phase IV: Location to be announced, 7 March –18 March 2016

A filled in application form should be submitted to global1325@indevelop.se

The Application should be submitted directly to the programme organizer at the latest on 30 April, 2015.



Тэги: Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation UN Resolution

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