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Gender Equality Awards 2015

Категория: Анонсы 

The Gender Equality Council of the Parliament of Georgia, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), announces Gender Equality Awards 2015 for business companies, Government agencies and local governance bodies.


Winners will be announced in four nominations while participants can choose to compete in several categories:


•The Grand Award for Gender Equality
•The Award for Gender Balance at the Executive Level
•The Awards for the Best and Innovative Gender Policy
•The Woman Entrepreneur Award


Gender Equality Awards is open free of charge to Georgian and foreign companies that operate on the Georgian market for more than two years, employ more than 30 people, and have more than GEL 100,000 annual turnover. These limits do not apply to the Woman Entrepreneur Award.


The nomination for Gender Balance at the Executive Level is also open for the Government agencies and local governance bodies.


Applications for Gender Equality Awards 2015 can be submitted till 18 May 2015. Winners will be announced at a Gala Event on 4 June 2015.


The competition is being held for the fourth time this year within the framework of the UN Joint Programme “To Enhance Gender Equality in Georgia” financed by the Swedish Government.


Contact Information

Magda Nowakowska, UNDP in Georgia, 598-822544 (cell) magdalena.nowakowska@undp.org

Sophie Tchitchinadze, UNDP in Georgia: 599 196907 (cell), sophie.tchitchinadze@undp.org

Nino Beradze, Parliament of Georgia, 577-720706 (cell), nberadze@parliament.ge




Тэги: Gender Equality Council Parliament UNDP Gender Equality Awards

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