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Perspective for Fntroducing One Window Shop Principle Approved in Zugdidi Municipality

Ketevan Nozadze
Категория: ВПЛ Грузии 

On June 23-24, in the frame of the project “Women for Equality, Peace and Development” working visit was conducted in Zugdidi municipality villages Tsatskhvi, Ergeta, Tsvane, Koki, Jikhashkari. Members of Zugdidi municipality Gamgeoba: leading specialist of PR department Tamuna Tirkia and specialist of social department Natalia Patchkoria accompanied representatives of WIC for the identification of problem cases.


It was a joint visit aimed at identifying problems of socially vulnerable families and community of Zugdidi municipality. Problems of beneficiaries were presented by the representatives of Gamgebeli in Tsatskhvebi, Ergeta and Tsvane territorial bodies.


Main problem of socially vulnerable families in the administrative unit is associated with receiving social aid. Problem cases identified in the community will be reviewed on One Window Shop advisory meeting, which will be organized by Zugdidi municipality, together with Women’s Information Center, in the nearest future.


To find the ways for problem solution, One Window Shop advisory meeting will be organized in the nearest future in Zugdidi municipality Gamgeoba, where these problems will be reviewed with participation of different entities.


It is to be recalled that on the session of 5th June, Sakrebulo of Zugdidi municipality approved “Perspective for introducing One Window Shop principle” for the solution of problems of Zugdidi municipality population.



Тэги: One Window Shop Zugdidi municipality Gamgeoba problem Women for Equality, Peace

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