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Tasmania announces gender equality plan to have 50% women on boards

Категория: Гендерная политика 

Tasmania’s Liberal state government will launch a recruitment drive for women as it moves to balance the gender scales in positions of authority.


The membership of government boards and committees should have female representation of at least 50% by 2020, the state minister for women, Jacquie Petrusma, said on Wednesday.


“In addition to women being denied opportunities, there is also an unconscious gender bias in the community where leadership is seen as the domain of men,” she said of the current environment.


“This requires changing community attitudes to women.”


Past attempts at gender equality have failed in Tasmania and the participation of women on boards and committees is about 34%, Petrusma added.


The government’s Women on Boards Strategy 2015-20 outlines how the 50% target will be reached and includes funding for scholarships for women studying with the Australian Institute of Company Directors.




Тэги: Tasmania Women on Boards Strategy

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