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Public Defender of Georgia Monitors Shelters of Trafficking Victims

Категория: Трефикинг 

The Gender Equality Department of the Public Defender's Office monitored service centers (shelters) of human trafficking victims on 10-11 June 2015, under the authority granted by law.

Shelters were checked in Tbilisi and Batumi; upsides and downsides of the services were defined; needs of beneficiaries were assessed.

The monitoring revealed that situation in shelters is promising. It is obvious that the shelter administration does not spare efforts to promote welfare of beneficiaries. However, a number of problems were revealed, solution of which would significantly improve the quality of services.

It should be noted that the facilities do not have any standards of accommodation or service rules. In addition, there exist infrastructural problems. None of the shelters is adapted for the needs of people with disabilities that makes it impossible to accommodate them in shelters in case of need.

Accommodation of individuals with infectious diseases is also problematic in shelters. According to paragraph “b” of article 6 of the internal regulations, shelters cannot receive a person “if he/she represents a potential risk to other beneficiaries." Infrastructure in shelters cannot ensure prevention of contagious disease risks. Problems related to psycho-social rehabilitation were also revealed. In addition, shelters do not provide any service of a psychologist.

A special report and recommendations, developed after the monitoring, were sent to the acting Director of State Fund for Protection and Assistance of Victims of Human Trafficking for a more detailed reaction on 21 July, 2015.


Тэги: Public Defender's Office human trafficking law

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