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New Canadian P.M. appoints cabinet consisting of equal number of men and women

Категория: Гендерная политика 

Asked why he went with gender equality in his cabinet today, Justin Trudeau said: "Because it's 2015."

Women in Canada, and the world over, have another reason (in addition to his dashing good looks) to love self-professed feminist Justin Trudeau, the new prime minister of Canada. Trudeau on Wednesday kept a campaign promise by announcing his cabinet, which consists of an equal number of men and women. Sheila Copps, the former Canadian deputy prime minister reportedly said, “It’s a historic day for women. Gender parity in the national cabinet is huge. It sends a great message to our daughters and sons.” With the move, Trudeau, 43, re-positioned Canada well ahead of the United States in terms of gender equality at the highest level of federal government. Twenty-five percent of President Obama’s 16-person cabinet is female. Some of the key women appointed to Trudeau’s cabinet include Catherine McKenna who will be the minister of environment and climate change, Jody Wilson-Raybould as justice minister and attorney general, and Jane Philpott, who will be Canada’s new health minister.




Тэги: Justin Trudeau Canada Gender parity national cabinet

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