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Representatives of NGOs Presented Federica Mogherini T-Shirts Symbolizing Their Support for the Gender Quota Law

Категория: Гендер на Кавказе 

Representatives of non-governmental gender organisations presented High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini with memorable shirts displaying ”50/50” and “Shota Rustaveli”.


The gifts were presented as part of the International Conference held in Tbilisi: Achieving Gender Equality - Challenges and Opportunities in the European Neighbourhood Policy Region held in Tbilisi.


According to Head of the Women’s Information Centre Elene Rusetskaya, the aim of this action was to show support for gender quotas. Gender organisations have already submitted a bill to the Parliament of Georgia, according to which women should account 50 percent of the proportional party lists.


“When speaking about equality between men and women we often make reference to Shota Rustaveli, who was also cited by Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili today in his speech” - Elene Rusetskaya said.


“We are lobbying for gender quotas and are keen to have the bill passed in its original version, I mean to have 50 percent of quotas allocated for women in proportional party lists. We hope the percent of gender quotas will not be reduced, otherwise women’s representation will not be strong enough to influence the political processes” - she said adding that 50 percent of quotas is not really a very high figure and implies only 38 women in the Georgian parliament.


The performance involving symbolical shirts was staged by women’s organisations lobbying for gender quotas.


Тэги: gender quota Federica Mogherini conference

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