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Training “Gender Mainstreaming in Security Sector”

Категория: Гендер на Кавказе 

Training on gender issues is organized in Lotopa Resort Hotel in Kakheti. “Gender Mainstreaming in Security Sector” - this is the title of the event organized by UN Women and Women’s Information Center in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence.


Heads of departments of MoD, as well as representatives of the military police, general inspection of the MoD, the National Defence Academy, and Bureau of Cyber Security are attending the training.


Topics such as: concept of gender, gender equality, stereotypes, gender aspects of labour market, gender from social, political and historical perspective, are discussed during two day training. Special attention is given to women’s participation in military and peace processes, UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security and their implementation at national level. Participants will be introduced into gender strategy and action plan of the MoD.


Second day of the training will be dedicated to gender complaints, its concept, response mechanisms and results monitoring. Session will be conducted by foreign experts, representatives of Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and Ministry of Defence of Spain.


Training is organized in the frame of the project “Women for Equality, Peace and Defelopment”.





Тэги: Gender Mainstreaming Security Sector UN Women Women’s Information Center Ministry of Defence

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