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Access to Justice for Women and Minorities

Категория: Гендер на Кавказе 

Public launch of Access to Justice for Women and Minorities Projects funded through Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Activity (PROLoG) implemented by East-West Management Institute was held at Betsy’s Hotel on February 4.


PROLoG is a five-year program carried out by the East-West Management Institute with financial support of USAID. The program aims at strengthening the justice system in Georgia to ensure due process, judicial independence, and the protection of human rights.


David Stonehill – Acting Office Director, Office of Democracy and Governance, USAID Caucasus and Natia Katsitadze – Deputy Public Defender of Georgia delivered welcoming remarks. Overview of grant funded projects on access to justice for women as well as overview of grant funded projects on access to justice for women was also provided.


Representatives of Women’s Information Center Elene Rusetskai and Natia Kapanadze were also invited to the event.



Source: GIA

Тэги: Justice Women Georgia PROLoG East-West Management Institute USAID

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