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2 women among gang found guilty in shocking child exploitation case

Категория: Трефикинг 

A pair of women were part of a gang of six people in Rotherham, England, who have been convicted for carrying out a series of sexual exploitation crimes, including assault, rape and forced prostitution, against children during a period spanning more than 10 years.


Shelley Davies, Karen MacGregor and four male accomplices, three of them brothers, targeted 15 girls and subjected them to all manner of sexual and physical torture. The youngest victim was an 11-year-old girl. MacGregor, 58, was instrumental in the ongoing plot. Authorities said she befriended two young girls, acted like a second mother to them to gain their trust, and then forced them to have sex with her male cohorts. Davies, 40, who lived with MacGregor, was found guilty of false imprisonment and forcing some of the victims into prostitution. Five of the girls ended up pregnant as a result of the sexual abuse — two of them at the age of 14. Two of the girls gave birth. The six who were convicted are scheduled to be sentenced on Friday.




Тэги: children sexual exploitation England

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