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Tube to change 'ladies and gentlemen' announcements

Категория: Интересное 

The "ladies and gentlemen" greeting on Tube announcements is to be scrapped, Transport for London (TfL) has announced.

London Underground staff have been told to say "hello everyone" in an effort to become more gender-neutral.

TfL said the move was to ensure all passengers felt "welcome".

LGBT campaign group Stonewall welcomed the decision, which was supported by London mayor Sadiq Khan at a session of Mayor's Question Time last month.

The revised phrasing will be applied to all new pre-recorded announcements made across the capital's transport network.


Mark Evers, director of customer strategy at TfL, said: "We want everyone to feel welcome on our transport network.

"We have reviewed the language that we use in announcements and elsewhere and will make sure that it is fully inclusive, reflecting the great diversity of London."


Mr Khan said he was "keen" TfL speak in a "more neutral way".

He said: "TfL serves a vibrant, diverse and multicultural city, and provision of an inclusive transport service is at the heart of TfL's purpose.

"I am aware however, that some customers may not relate to or feel comfortable with the way that certain station announcements are made."

TfL said it had briefed staff on use of the new language "though from time-to-time, well-meaning staff may still use the term 'ladies and gentlemen"."

"If this happens frequently, we will issue reminders to staff," it added.

Stonewall said: "Language is extremely important to the lesbian, gay, bi and trans community, and the way we use it can help ensure all people feel included.

"We welcome gender neutral announcements to be rolled out across TfL as it will ensure that everyone - no matter who they identify as - feels accounted for."



Тэги: London Underground gender-neutral

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