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'I didn't know': Meryl Streep responds to accusations she remained silent about Harvey Weinstein's alleged sexual misconduct for years

Категория: Гендерное насилие 

Meryl Streep has responded to Rose McGowan's accusations that Streep stayed silent when producer Harvey Weinstein was allegedly harassing and assaulting women. 

In a statement provided to INSIDER by Streep's representative, the 68-year-old actress said she was "hurt" by the accusations coming from McGowan's social pages and denied any knowledge of Weinstein's alleged behavior. 

"I want to let her know I did not know about Weinstein's crimes, not in the '90s when he attacked her, or through subsequent decades when he proceeded to attack others," the statement read. "I wasn't deliberately silent. I didn't know. I don't tacitly approve of rape. I didn't know. I don't like young women being assaulted. I didn't know this was happening."

McGowan, 44, took to Twitter Saturday to address reports that actresses would be wearing black dresses to the Golden Globes as a form of protest against the sexual misconduct allegations flooding out of Hollywood. She targeted actresses who worked with producer Harvey Weinstein, specifically mentioning Meryl Streep by name. As of Monday morning, the tweets no longer exist.

"Actresses, like Meryl Streep, who happily worked for The Pig Monster, are wearing black @GoldenGlobes in a silent protest," she wrote in a now-deleted tweet, according to People.

"YOUR SILENCE is THE problem. You'll accept a fake award breathlessly & affect no real change. I despise your hypocrisy. Maybe you should all wear Marchesa," she reportedly continued, referencing the fashion line of Weinstein's estranged wife Georgina Chapman.

Streep worked with Weinstein on films including "August: Osage County" and "The Iron Lady," for which she won a best actress Oscar.

Upon hearing the allegations against Weinstein, the actress released a statement to the Huffington Post calling the alleged harassment, "disgraceful," "inexcusable," and an "abuse of power."

In her statement on McGowan's accusations, Streep said Weinstein kept everything hidden because "he needed me much more than I needed him." 

She also said that she provided her phone number to a mutual friend in the hopes that she could speak with McGowan.

"Rose assumed and broadcast something untrue about me, and I wanted to let her know the truth. Through friends who know her, I got my home phone number to her the minute I read the headlines," the statement said. "I sat by that phone all day yesterday and this morning, hoping to express both my deep respect for her and others' bravery in exposing the monsters among us, and my sympathy for the untold, ongoing pain she suffers ... And I hoped that she would give me a hearing. She did not, but I hope she reads this."

Representatives for McGowan didn't immediately respond to INSIDER's requests for comment.


You can read Streep's full statement below:


"It hurt to be attacked by Rose McGowan in banner headlines this weekend, but I want to let her know I did not know about Weinstein's crimes, not in the 90s when he attacked her, or through subsequent decades when he proceeded to attack others.

I wasn't deliberately silent. I didn't know. I don't tacitly approve of rape. I didn't know. I don't like young women being assaulted. I didn't know this was happening.

I don't know where Harvey lives, nor has he ever been to my home.

I have never in my life been invited to his hotel room.

I have been to his office once, for a meeting with Wes Craven for 'Music of the Heart' in 1998. 

HW distributed movies I made with other people. 

HW was not a filmmaker; he was often a producer, primarily a marketer of films made by other people — some of them great, some not great. But not every actor, actress, and director who made films that HW distributed knew he abused women, or that he raped Rose in the 90s, other women before and others after, until they told us. We did not know that women's' silence was purchased by him and his enablers.

HW needed us not to know this, because our association with him bought him credibility, an ability to lure young, aspiring women into circumstances where they would be hurt.

He needed me much more than I needed him and he made sure I didn't know. Apparently he hired ex-Mossad operators to protect this information from becoming public. Rose and the scores of other victims of these powerful, moneyed, ruthless men face an adversary for whom Winning, at any and all costs, is the only acceptable outcome. That's why a legal defense fund for victims is currently being assembled to which hundreds of good hearted people in our business will contribute, to bring down the bastards, and help victims fight this scourge within.

Rose assumed and broadcast something untrue about me, and I wanted to let her know the truth. Through friends who know her, I got my home phone number to her the minute I read the headlines. I sat by that phone all day yesterday and this morning, hoping to express both my deep respect for her and others' bravery in exposing the monsters among us, and my sympathy for the untold, ongoing pain she suffers. No one can bring back what entitled bosses like Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, and HW took from the women who endured attacks on their bodies and their ability to make a living...And I hoped that she would give me a hearing. She did not, but I hope she reads this.

I am truly sorry she sees me as an adversary, because we are both, together with all the women in our business, standing in defiance of the same implacable foe: a status quo that wants so badly to return to the bad old days, the old ways where women were used, abused and refused entry into the decision-making, top levels of the industry. That's where the cover-ups convene. Those rooms must be disinfected, and integrated, before anything even begins to change."




Тэги: Meryl Streep Rose McGowan

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