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Wife is covered in bruises so husband could degrade her one final time before her death

Категория: Гендерное насилие 

A man who battered his common-law wife into a coma and filmed it to show off to his friends is facing 15 years in jail after she died.

Maxim Gribanov, 34, assaulted Anastasia Ovsiannikova at their home in the city of Lebedyan, western Russia, after she said she told him she wanted to leave him.

After savagely kicking and punching her black and blue for several hours he filmed her horrific injuries to boast to his friends about how he had her 'under control.'

Sickening images show the woman sitting on a sofa with horrific injuries covering her head and body.

Managing to call the emergency services, the 28-year-old blonde was taken to hospital with severe bruising, internal bleeding and broken bones.

She fell into a coma and tragically died six days later.

According to friends and family, the long-suffering woman had been trying to build up the courage to leave Gribanov after meeting someone new.

But she told them she was too scared because she was afraid of what he would do.

For several years she had been a victim to his relentless brutality and abuse.

He had forced her to quit her town hall job and had threatened her father and brother if they reported his abuse and tried to stop him beating her.

Police spokeswoman Yulia Kuznetzova told local media: 'At first the man was charged with assault which caused severe damages to the woman's health.

'But after she died and the charges were changed. The suspect pleaded partially guilty. He said he had his reasons.'

A family friend said: 'She was so full of hope and fun but this man destroyed her life. He should be treated in the same way as he treated her.'

He now faces 15 years in jail.


Тэги: femicide Russian

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