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Brigitte Bardot calls #MeToo stars 'hypocritical'

Категория: Гендерное насилие 

Veteran French actress Brigitte Bardot has dismissed actresses who have commented on sexual harassment via the #MeToo movement as "hypocritical".


The star was asked in an interview with French magazine Paris Match what she thought of actresses denouncing harassment in the film industry.


"In the vast majority of cases they are being hypocritical, ridiculous, uninteresting," the 83-year-old said.


"There are many actresses who flirt with producers in order to get a role."

She added: "Then, in order to be talked about, they will say they have been harassed. In reality, rather than benefiting them, it harms them."


Bardot said she enjoyed the attention she got when she was younger and working in the film business.

"Me, I was never the victim of sexual harassment and I found it charming when I was told that I was beautiful or I had a nice little backside. This kind of compliment is nice," she said.

In the months since allegations of sexual abuse were levelled against US movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood stars have shared their experiences and voiced support for victims of sexual predators.

Bardot's comments come after French actress Catherine Deneuve signed an open letter criticising the #MeToo social media campaign and related drives to expose sexual harassment in France and elsewhere.

She later  apologised to sex abuse victims after a backlash against the letter.

Bardot, who is now known as a prominent animal rights campaigner, has previously been fined for inciting racism following anti-Muslim comments.




Тэги: Brigitte Bardot #MeToo

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