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Extremist groups riot and call for actress’ beheading over controversial film

Категория: Гендерное насилие 

The controversial Bollywood film Padmaavat has finally been released, following a ruling by India’s supreme court that overturned bans on the movie’s release in four states across the country. Extremist Hindu groups had engaged in protests and riots across the country while calling for a boycott of the film, which they claim depicts a romance between a mythical 14th Century Hindu queen renowned for her beauty and Muslim King Alauddin Khilji, who invaded the country.



While director Sanjay Leela Bhansali has insisted that the film does not depict a romantic scene between the two rulers, far-right conservatives remained unconvinced as some even called for Bhansali and lead actress Deepika Padukone to be beheaded. In the wake of bus burnings and violence from Hindu groups and Rajput caste organizations, more than 100 bus routes were suspended in the western state of Gujarat on Sunday.


Following the release of the film, fans of Padukone expressed support for the actress by creating a club in which they pledged “to see every film of yours on the first day.” In a post made to Instagram, Padukone said she felt “touched and overjoyed but also extremely humbled” by their support, and thanked them for their “show of pure genuine love.”





Тэги: Padmaavat Padukone

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