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Frida Kahlo And Other Historic Women Are Being Made Into Barbies

Категория: Интересное 

Mattel is also honoring a few living legends, including Olympian Chloe Kim, this International Women’s Day.

Kids around the world will soon be able to own a Barbie doll bearing the likeness of Frida Kahlo, Amelia Earhart or Katherine Johnson.

All three women made herstory in different industries: Earhart was the first female aviator to fly across the Atlantic Ocean; Mexican artist Kahlo was known for her unique painting style and feminist activism; and Johnson, who was highlighted in the 2016 film “Hidden Figures,” broke boundaries for black women in mathematics and calculated dozens of trajectories for NASA, including the 1969 Apollo 11 flight to the moon.

The dolls, which are part of Mattel’s new series called “Inspiring Women,” will be mass produced and sold in stores. The toy company does not have an exact date for when they will hit shelves, but said each will come with educational information about the woman who inspired it.

“As a brand that inspires the limitless potential in girls, Barbie will be honoring its largest line up of role models timed to International Women’s Day, because we know that you can’t be what you can’t see,” Lisa McKnight, the senior vice president and general manager of Barbie, said Tuesday in a press release. “Girls have always been able to play out different roles and careers with Barbie and we are thrilled to shine a light on real life role models to remind them that they can be anything.”

Johnson, 99, worked closely with Mattel to create her doll and ensure it looked as much like her as possible.

Ahead of International Women’s Day on Thursday, Barbie’s “Shero” line is also honoring 14 modern-day role models from around the world. These dolls celebrating women who have recently broken boundaries in their fields aren’t meant to be sold, but some particularly popular ones have ended up in stores before. 

The 14 new women Barbie is celebrating with its Shero line includes Olympic snowboarder Chloe Kim, “Wonder Woman” director Patty Jenkins and Australian wildlife conservationist Bindi Irwin. The line already honors women including director Ava DuVernay, actress Emmy Rossum, ballerina Misty Copeland and Olympic gymnast Gabby Douglas.




Тэги: Mattel International Women’s Day Frida Kahlo

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