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Germany will not play in countries that discriminate against women

Категория: Спорт 

In Germany they are not going to tolerate discrimination. Fritz Keller, president of the German Football Federation (DFB) has made clear that they will take the appropriate measures and will not play in countries where women's rights are not respected.

"We will not send any national team to games that take place in states where they do not have the same rights", Fritz Keller said to 'Die Welt'.

The 'Mannschaft' makes his values very clear and swiftly defends them. "With German football we have to agree on a differentiated answer to complex questions. What values are not negotiable for us? For example, women's rights," the President of DFB emphasised.

For this reason, Germany will not play a single game in any country where women are not respected. "We will not play where free access to football states or other sports facilities is not guaranteed," he continued.

Germany thus demonstrates its zero tolerance policy against those countries or states that discriminate against women. All of them will be left without seeing the Mannschaft.


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