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Saudi military opens first women’s section

Категория: Гендер в мире 

Saudi military chief of staff, Gen. Fayyad Al-Ruwaili, launched the first military section for women in the Saudi Arabian Armed Forces on Sunday.


The director general of admission and enlistment, Maj. Gen. Imad Al-Aidan, explained the regulations of acceptance, and allocated locations where the female staff will be stationed.


Under the initiative to incorporate more women into the field, previously announced in October 2019, women can now join the military as lance corporals, corporals, sergeants, and staff sergeants in the Royal Saudi Land Forces, Air Force, Saudi Arabian Navy, Air Defense Forces, Strategic Missile Forces and Armed Forces Medical Services.


The initiative is the first to allow women to climb the ladder towards senior ranks.


Former Shoura Council member Haya Al-Muni’I previously told Asharq Al-Awsat that these new laws support women’s rights and capabilities in the Kingdom’s military.


“Naturally, they will enter a new sphere of work. It’s a reflection of a national belief in the equality between women and men,” she said.


The initiative is part of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 Program, pushing for the empowerment of women and giving them more leadership positions, and highlighting the significance of their involvement across different fields.




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