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Independent Council of Europe body to monitor human trafficking holds its first meeting in Strasbourg

Категория: Трефикинг 

The Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) will hold its first meeting in Strasbourg next week.

This new monitoring body will control the implementation of the Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. During the meeting, the group will elect a president and two vice-presidents, adopt its rules of procedure, and start discussing its evaluation methods taking into consideration the experience of other Council of Europe monitoring bodies.

Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, will open the meeting.

Practical information: The meeting is closed to the press. Any journalists interested in interviews with Council of Europe experts or GRETA members may contact the press officer below.

More information:  GRETA will regularly publish reports evaluating measures taken by states to implement the convention. This body is composed of independent and highly qualified experts in human rights and the fight against trafficking.

Every year thousands of people fall victim to human trafficking, whether for sexual exploitation or other purposes, often beyond the borders of their own country. This makes international cooperation absolutely necessary to combat it effectively. The Council of Europe convention, the first European treaty in the field, entered into force on 1 February 2008. So far, 20 countries have ratified it and 20 others have signed it. It aims to prevent trafficking, protect the victims and prosecute the traffickers.


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