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EU delegation visited Ergneti

Category: IDP Georgia 

EU general secretary Torbion Iagland and the head of EU ministers committee, the minister of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia Antonio Miloshovski, the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia Koba Subeliani visited Ergneti provisional border and studied the situation related to occupied territories.

The guests visited so called occupational border line and saw Russian flag on top of so called independent Tskhinvali. The delegation members even talked to frontier-guards and got detailed information about current situation.

Koba Subeliani informed the guests that IDPs can’t move to the occupied territories after the occupation and situation became strained, Russians were shooting to Georgian side even before the occupation, they were also kidnapping the people. The Minister also mentioned that people get kidnapped from so called provisional border even nowadays.

The delegation members were indignant and mentioned that as the defenders of human rights they will do everything to assist IDPs.

Torbiorn Iagland, EU general secretary: “The current situation is the natural result of the war. I represent the organization of human rights therefore, our aim is to prevent innocent population from suffer and violation. We will do our best to support you.”

The head of EU ministers committee, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia Antonio Miloshovski mentioned that EU cares for IDPs welfare: “The people who have lost freedom and free movement to the occupied territories are mostly affected by the war. We endeavor to implement concrete and effective projects in order to support such people. We care for IDPs welfare.”

The Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia Koba Subeliani asked the delegation members to be principal with Russia: “Each delegation should see the occupational line and block-posts. All the visitors who come here become sure that it is pure occupation. Nobody doubts about it. More pressure is needed on Russia and EU has got all the resources to provide assistance in this regard.”

EU delegation visited Ergneti in the frame of two days official visit to Georgia. Today they plan to visit IDPs in Tserovani and hold a meeting with them.



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