Ketevan Nozadze Category: IDP Georgia  2013-06-25
Employment, lack of available medicines, access to drinking and irrigation water, absence of kindergartens, migration… these are only part of the problems, which still remains unsolved for the women living in the villages close to ABL (Administrative Boundary Line).
Chair of the Gender Equality Council of the Parliament - Manana Kobakhidze, local authorities, international organizations, as well as representatives of the non-governmental sectors were invited to the meeting. Women community members from Tkviavi, Tirdznisi and Nikozi villages informed the Vice-Speaker about the problems they face in everyday life.
Manana Kobakhidze suggested to forward problematic issues in a format of an official letter and /or recommendation to the Parliamentary Council on Gender Equality, which will provide a spontaneous reaction to the problems of vital importance.
David Razmadze, the chairman of Gori Municipality Council, supported initiative raised by the Women's Information Center, to appoint a person responsible for gender equality issues at the local level.
The meeting was held within the framework of the project "Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia" which is being implemented by the UN Women, in partnership with the Women's Information Center and the Taso Foundation, with generous support of the Royal Government of Norway.
Source: Portal GINSC