Ketevan Nozadze Category: IDP Georgia  2013-07-22
On 18 July, in Tbilisi, hotel “ Holiday Inn” , gender equality council of Parliament held the meeting with national coordination team with the support of UN Women.
The meeting was dedicated to the national action plan of UN security council resolution about “Women, peace and security”.
The meeting was opened by the chairwoman of gender equality council Manana Kobakhidze and UN Women representative in Georgia Erika Kvapilova.
The head of Women’s Information Center, Elene Ruseckaya presented the report about the activities of five non-governmental organizations. She had speech about the creation of the coalition “ Women for political engagement”, which is joined by female leaders living in Shida Qartli.
The members of the Parliament of Georgia and executive power have presented the report about the activities of governmental institutions during first six months of 2013 in the frame of national action plan. This year, the meeting of gender equality council and national coordination team is held for the second time . The participators will sent the written report about the results of their activity to gender equality council, and in accordance with these documentation , the council will discuss future initiatives. UN Women with the partnership of Women’s Information Center and Taso foundation is implementing the project” Women for equality, peace and development in Georgia”, with the support of the government of Norway.