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Lithuania marks 100 years since women were granted the right to vote

Category: Gender in the world 

On this occasion, unique traffic lights with a women's silhouette were switched on in Konstitucijos Avenue, and special postcards are being distributed near the central post.


"Today marks 100 years since Lithuanian women became one of the first in Europe to be granted the right to vote. With this democratic achievement, our country joined the first line of modern countries. Let us protect and defend the achieved victories," Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė says.


The voting rights of women and men were equalized in the fundamental principles of the temporary Constitution on Nov. 2, 1918. The following year, the Constituent Seimas adopted a law giving the right to women to stand as candidates and to vote. Women were included into candidate lists, took part in the election campaign and were elected to the Constituent Seimas .This way Lithuania granted and really implemented women's voting right before such countries, like France, Switzerland or the United States.




Tags: voting rights women Lithuania

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