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New Action Plan on Elimination of Domestic Violence in Georgia 2009-2010 is elaborated

Category: Gender policy 

In Bakuriani, Georgia, working meeting aimed at the elaboration of the New Action Plan on Elimination of Domestic Violence in Georgia 2009-2010 has been carried out. Meeting has been organized by UNFPA  project “Elimination of the Gender Based Violence in the South Caucasus” and Georgian Young Lawyers Association.

Presentation of the monitoring of the execution of Action Plan on Elimination of Domestic Violence in Georgia 2007-2008 has been carried out. Given monitoring has been conducted by the independent experts under support of UNFPA. Recommendations formulated in course of the monitoring have been taken into account while preparing new Action Plan. 
Representatives of the newly created Intersectoral Council on Carrying out of Measures on Elimination of the Domestic Violence, representatives of the civil society and governmental bodies active in the field of combating of gender based violence. Meeting also has been attended by the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia, Chairwoman of the Advisory Parliamentary Council on Gender Issues Ms. Rusudan Kervalishvili. Action Plan is ready and pending approval. 

Source: GINSC

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