Academy President John Bailey Will Continue to Serve After Board of Governors Decline to Pursue Harassment Claim
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Board of Governors met to hear findings of a review into a single sexual harassment allegation made against Academy president John Bailey |
Croatia pushes treaty on violence against women despite protests
The Croatian government urged parliament to ratify a European treaty designed to combat violence against women despite opposition within the ruling party |
Oxfam appoints former UN official to head independent commission on sexual abuse and exploitation
Oxfam has appointed a former United Nations official to head an independent commission on sexual abuse and exploitation in the wake of a scandal over misconduct by its staff |
7,000 pairs of shoes were outside U.S. Capitol to represent children killed by guns
The lawn of the U.S. Capitol was covered in 7,000 pairs of shoes, to symbolize the 7,000 children killed by gun violence since the 2012 Newtown shooting |
France to set legal age of sexual consent at 15
France plans to fix the legal age of sexual consent at 15, meaning sex with someone younger than that would be considered rape |
French actresses launch own "Time's Up" with white ribbons
France's "Now we act" is billed as an appeal to raise funds so that women who have suffered rape or other forms of sexual violence can take legal action
Turkey’s president accused of child abuse after leaving girl, 6, in tears during TV appearance
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is being sharply criticized after he brought a 6-year-old girl to tears during a televised political gathering over.. |
Slovakia rejects treaty combating violence against women
Slovakia will not ratify a European treaty designed to combat violence against women, Prime Minister Robert Fico said bowing to opposition from junior coalition partner and religious groups |
She Ran From the Cut, and Helped Thousands of Other Girls Escape, Too
For Maasai families, the cutting ceremony is a celebration that transforms girls into women and marks daughters as eligible brides |