Thomas Hammarberg talks about Georgia on “Let’s meet Europe” program
The IDPs situation is still a problem in Georgia, the EU Special Adviser on Legal Constitution Reform and Human Rights in Georgia, Thomas Hammarberg told the program “Let’s meet Europe” |
Possibilities of civil society in the research of UN Women
Ketevan Nozadze 2013-12-06
Possibilities of civil society “Research of possibilities of civil society in the issues of advocating and integration of gender in social policy”- this is the research held by research company with the support of UN Women. |
Training “Gender Mainstreaming and Women’s Rights”
Ketevan Nozadze 2013-12-06
On 15-18 October 2013, Women’s Information Center organized training “Gender Mainstreaming and Women’s Human Rights”. |
Round Table Meetings with Local Self-Governments
Taso Foundation implements the component of social mobilization in the frames of the project Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia (WEPD) |
Implementation of National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 in Georgia
Ketevan Nozadze 2013-11-06
On December 2, in Radisson hotel, Gender Equality Council of the Parliament, summarized activities under National Action Plan performed by National Coordination Group, with technical support of UN Women. |
IDPs are Demanding Renewal of Social Assistance
Nino Chibchiuri 2013-10-25
56 years old Liana Zubashvili, because of unknown reason, does not receive social assistance any more. |
First visit of Gori Majoritarian Deputy in IDPs’ settlement Skra
Nino Chibchiuri 2013-10-24
At the meeting with Soso Vakhtangishvili, IDPs discussed their actual issues. Most of problems concern damaged roads and floors, heating source etc. |
Training in planning of income generating activities for internally displaced women
On 15, 16, 17 October the training in planning of income generating activities was held in the frames of project Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia |
Meeting with Representatives of Government of Gori on Women’s Issues
Nino Chibchiuri 2013-10-22
NGOs working on women’s needs met with Gori majoritarian and Governor of the Municipality. They talked to local government representatives about questions of present interest, which they encounter working on women’s issues. |