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Indians demand swift action against rapists as protests spread after woman's murder

Category: Gender based violence

Protesters are calling for swifter justice, with tens of thousands of rape cases stuck in a slow and cumbersome legal system

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Sudan scraps law curtailing women’s rights

Category: Gender in the world

Thousands of women flogged, fined during Bsahir’s ironfisted rule under archaic public order law for ‘indecent and immoral acts’.

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After 150 years, Vienna opera house stages first opera by a woman

Category: Women and Culture

That will change next month, with the premiere of Olga Neuwirth’s operatic version of Virginia Woolf’s novel Orlando: A Biography

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End rape—an intolerable cost to society

Category: Gender based violence

UN Women Executive Director’s Statement for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November 2019

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Children as young as five make up most of Madagascar’s mica mining workforce

Category: Events

Investigation finds thousands of children are scavenging in deadly conditions for mineral widely used by car and electronics firms

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Danish study rejects link between abortion and suicide

Category: It`s interesting to know

Suicide attempts are mostly closely associated with having previous contact with psychiatric services or use of medication to treat depression, anxiety or psychosis

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Congo court hands life sentence to warlord for murder, sexual violence

Category: Gender based violence

United Nations investigators say his forces were responsible for abducting and repeatedly gang raping at least 17 women in a cave last year

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Joana Choumali wins 2019 Prix Pictet photography prize

Category: Women and Culture

Artist becomes first African to win the prestigious prize, for embroidered pictures created following terrorist attack

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French paedophile surgeon may have had more than 250 victims

Category: Gender based violence

French prosecutors say a retired surgeon jailed since May 2017 for sexually abusing four girls may have had more than 250 victims

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Beyond the Shelter

The youth exhibitions and installations

Women’s Fund in Georgia is honored to invite you to 2016 Kato Mikeladze Award Ceremony


Video archive

Research on Youth Views on Gender Equality


Gender policy

Three women vie to become next Paris mayor

With a nod from parliament, Greece gets first female president

Barack Obama: Women are better leaders than men


Photo archive

Swedish politicians visit in WIC



To end slavery, free 10,000 people a day for a decade, report says

Interpol rescues 85 children in Sudan trafficking ring

Mother Teresa India charity 'sold babies'


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