“Human Rights for Women!”, “Human Right for All People!”
Category: Exclusive 2009-02-20
The researche revealed that 82.9% of women are potential victims of economical violence and 2.5% are victims of sexual violence |
A woman versus a black or the role of stereotypes in American Presidential election
Category: Exclusive 2009-02-20
Nobody could believe it, but it came true
56-year-old becomes 1st woman to swim Atlantic
Category: Sport 2009-02-19
Jennifer Figge pressed her toes into the Caribbean sand, exhilarated and exhausted as she touched land this week for the first time in almost a month |
Two sexes 'sin in different ways'
Category: It`s interesting to know 2009-02-19
Women are prouder than men, but men are more lustful, according to a Vatican report which states that the two sexes sin differently |
Ways of combating domestic violence in Georgia
Category: Exclusive 2009-02-19
NGO representatives don’t agree with the statistics. They believe it doesn’t reflect the real situation.. |
First ever woman in gov't may alter attitudes
Category: Gender in the world 2009-02-19
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has appointed Norah al-Fayez to be the government's first-ever woman minister, in charge of women's education |
Male domestic abuse victims get their own shelters in Netherlands
Category: Gender in the world 2009-02-19
The initiative is a response to increased demand for such homes by abused men who approached various health and social welfare institutions |
Tender on Development of Education Module on Trafficking
Category: Announcements 2009-02-17
Provided by International Organization for Migration
Deadline Mar 12
Human trafficking: The faces and sorrow at the heart of a UN report
Category: Trafficking 2009-02-17
These are the human faces, and the sorrow, of just four of the victims whose terrible plight is highlighted by the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) – four young people whose sagas can be multiplied several million-fold |